Privacy Policy



forma Leipzig e.V.
Jahnalle 8
04109 Leipzig

If you have any questions about data protection, please contact us at or at the postal address given above.


Log files when you visit our website

When our website is accessed, log files are created to analyse errors and security incidents. These are only stored for a few days to weeks and are then automatically deleted.

We use Alfahosting GmbH as an external service provider for hosting our website. The log files are stored there.

Subscription to our newsletter

If you have subscribed to the newsletter on our association website, we use your e-mail address to send you the newsletter regularly and to provide you with interesting facts about the association. The legal basis for sending the newsletter is your consent (Article 6(1) sentence 1 a) DSGVO). You can revoke your consent at any time to stop receiving the newsletter. To do so, you can click on "unsubscribe" or "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the newsletter email. Or you can write to us at or by post. We use Mailchimp to send the newsletter.

The e-mail address that you have provided for sending the newsletter will be deleted as soon as you withdraw your consent to receive the newsletter, unless this e-mail address is also used for other communication than for sending the newsletter between the association and you.
Personal data will be transferred to the following third country: USA. The following measures have been taken to ensure that the level of data protection guaranteed by the GDPR is not undermined: Use of the DSGVO registration form from Mailchimp, precise description of our marketing activities.

Data processing in the context of our association work

Membership administration

Membership data (personal and contact data) are processed by the respective functionaries:inside our association only for the fulfilment of tasks assigned to them. In detail this means:

  • If the executive committee needs membership data to carry out its tasks, it may access all membership data required for this purpose. This includes, in particular, sending out information about the association (e.g. project plans or invitations to general meetings) and regulating financial matters (membership fees, donations).

  • The treasurer processes the membership data relevant for the collection of membership fees, the auditor processes the membership data relevant for the audit. These are first name, surname, postal address and bank details with payment data as well as access to the direct debit authorisation including signature, if the member has given the association a direct debit mandate.

  • The association's office processes the membership data for membership administration and support.

The purpose of the processing of membership data is the pursuit of the association's purpose and administration. The legal basis is the association membership (Article 6 paragraph 1 b) DSGVO).

The current membership data is stored for the duration of the membership and beyond for the purpose of complying with the statutory retention periods (e.g. periods for bookkeeping/tax code, retention of social data/social laws, retention of donation receipts/tax laws, general limitation period/civil code).

Data subject rights

If we process personal data about you, you have the following data subject rights:

  • a right to information about the data processed and to be copied,

  • a right to rectification if we process incorrect data about you,

  • a right to erasure, unless exceptions apply as to why we are still storing the data, e.g. retention obligations or limitation periods

  • a right to restriction of processing

  • a right to revoke consent to data processing at any time,

  • a right to object to processing in the public or legitimate interest,

  • a right to data portability,

  • a right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority if you find that we are not processing your data properly. The Saxon Data Protection Commissioner is responsible for our association. However, if you are in another federal state or not in Germany, you can also contact the data protection authority there.

This text was created using the data protection notice generator of Stiftung Datenschutz.